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Friday, May 20, 2011

Outta Here!

Well, here I sit. Pecking away with my left hand, and the pointer finger of my right. Barely into branding season, and I broke the little bone on the outside of my right hand. I was roping the last set which is always the wildest. One big calf had escaped my loop twice already. I finally got off a good shot and went hard to my saddlehorn for the dally.

I knew I'd picked up a cow's foot too, but I was NOT going to let him get away again. Not smart. She jerked my hand pretty hard. I wouldn't admit it was broken. I couldn't swing my rope, so I got off and ran a branding iron. I knew. I would have to go see Doc when we got done, but I didn't let on. It took me out for the whole season. I am bummed.

It's been a tough couple of weeks. On top of other issues, I learned an uncle, dad's brother died. Friday a fine family man and friend not much older than us died of horse-related injuries, and Monday my dad's sister, my favorite aunt died, and Dad had another stent put in.

I had to dope up on pain pills Wednesday so they could set my hand and cast it, so Ray drove me in. We've been fighting pink-eye in a couple sets of calves, and he was having trouble with his eyes gooping up. I told him he might as well go get that checked instead of sitting around waiting on me. Sure enough, he's got the worst case of pink-eye the doc's ever seen, and a horrific sinus infection to top it off. Got some antibiotics and went right back to it.

We're behind in branding, and we're short-handed. I'll probably start again next week since there's still at least 3 jobs I can do. Big Jake left last week. I don't blame him, and I wish them well.

Tomorrow's Ray's birthday. Tomorrow's also supposedly the end of the world.

That would be Ok with me. I'm ready. It's totally impossible though. Yes, Christ could definitely return. I wish He would. I expect Him anytime. But according to God's Word, even if Christ were to come tomorrow and take the believers out, there's still seven more years of troubles like the earth has never known that will take place before the end.

I need to look up and count my innumerable blessings, and quit dwelling on my petty troubles which, but for the grace of God could be a whole lot worse. “A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing...a helper He amidst the flood; of mortal ills prevailing...”

Ray's been here 37 years, and managing the whole shebang for the last 20. I've been here 30 years. Riding out the inevitable corporate restructuring cycles. We've been talking for several months about retiring from this company...and I'm's getting to be about that time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your still here!! And back to work in the branding trap. Missed you. Vila