Stock Photos of Western Ranch Cowboys

Stock Photos of Western Ranch Cowboys - click photo for website

Saturday, February 19, 2011

KISS: Keep it Simple, Sue

I don't know for sure what I'm getting into here. I know my daughter and my niece write these wonderful, funny, inspiring blogs that draw you into their lives, and give you fresh insight for your own. Another relative blogs for a major internet company reviewing products, and yet another just keeps us updated from a distance. I enjoy reading them. I'd really rather keep it that way. Reading I mean, instead of writing.

I've started building a stock photo website for my collection of ranch cowboy photos; and now I'm stuck. So I'm procrastinating by building a blog that's supposed to point search engines to the place where I'm selling my cowboy stock photos: I have a few ideas, and if I sit here long enough, maybe they will start to gel. And besides, I'm not trying to point people to my photo site quite yet. It's up and running, but it's a long way from being finished. I'm really thinking I may have to quit trying to do everything on my own, and pay someone to fix my site that knows what they're doing.

Our winter "slow" spot is about over, so my computer days are numbered. I'm ready to crawl out of my computer, and back up on top of a horse. My head stays much clearer there, and I think this blog will end up being more of a journal or commentary about ranch life on a large, historic, Montana cattle ranch. This blog is tentatively subtitled "Photos from a 4-legged Tripod" (yes I know, that would be a...quadpod. Humor me.Technically it's a horse that only has 3 feet on the ground because it's trying to take off when you need it to stand perfectly still.)

Bingo! It's starting to gel.


aswesow said...

Ha...get to be the first follower...and I get to make the first comment. :)

Anna Banana said...

Hey Mama, welcome to the blog world. :-)

Dana Allard said...

Yes! Glad to see you here.