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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fair Time

Yay! They brought back "mutton-bustin" this year, and it was a hit. This
is the all-time champion. Her first one fouled her at the gate so she got a
reride. The little girl was Anna, and she rode that sheep clear across the arena.

I love a County Fair. It's still about community. A gathering place for family, friends and neighbors at the end of summer. Carnival lights and Karaoke, horses, cowboys, and kids. 4-H concession stand. Friendly competiion. A goal to work for the rest of the year.

Anna's last 4-H pig a few years back. The other 2 usually took steers, but Anna
loved her pigs. They actually were pretty fun. Nothing like
"pig personality"!
During the kids 4-H years we should have just moved to town that week. Crazy, wild, hectic. It's really more enjoyable now that we can just cruise at our own speed, come and go as we please. Eat fair food instead of packing a cooler in the tack room. At least I can. Ray's been on the Fair Board for years, and is probably there more now than when the kids were little.

The only thing I entered this year was the Team Sorting, and had a blast. I love my little mare! There were 8 or 9 teams that got a time out of 79 entered. I was on two of them. I got skunked last year, so that made my day. Saturday night we were invited to sit on the stage for the rodeo.

We live in Madison County now, so we'll have a new County Fair. I love it too. We've participated in different things there throughout the years, and I've worked as a judge there for the past few years as well, so we know lots of people here already.

I never took my camera this year. That was a mistake, because I saw some really good photo ops. Ray said I could use his, the one that resides fulltime in his truck.. He couldn't get it to work, but maybe I could. Hmm. Not even I can revive dead batteries. So... I'll just use what I can find in a hurry: more mutton bustin!

Anna's last ride. Kid's have to graduate after they're 8 yrs. old.

But Anna had lots of competition, including Kristy. This was Kristy's
last year riding sheep as well.

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