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Monday, July 25, 2011

Moving On

Drifter - We bought him for me 9 years ago. He had his quirks, but he was
a good one. Too good to stand around. Sold him this weekend. It was a
good sale to a good owner. Sold Jet too. We're keeping five horses.
The longer I know my Savior, the more I look back and realize just how gracious and merciful God is towards His children. How He has guided our steps the whole way-- even those times when we thought we were the ones at the steering wheel. There are no coincidences with God, and no surprises. He knows everything about us and our life before we're even a twinkle in Daddy's eye.
Saying goodby to something that has defined a major part of your life for so many years is never easy. It doesn't matter if it's a death, a marriage, a home, a job you've loved, or whatever it is that stirs your passion. It's hard.
But life goes on. It always has. And, quite often, the best is yet to come. The Hebrews wandered 40 years in the wilderness before reaching the promised land. Even at that, the only ones from that generation who got to go in were Caleb and Joshua who believed God was able to conquer it before them. None of the rest, the whiners, complainers, and naysayers, ever got to see it. We've wandered around here for 37 years. If this has been wilderness, I can't wait to see the promised land!
Lot's wife looked back as the angels pulled her and her husband away from her home. She turned into a pillar of salt. Life as we've known it may be over-- but what a privilege to have ever had it in the first place. It's time to move on and trust that God knows exactly what He's doing. It ain't over 'til it's over!

Lord, please don't let me become a cowlick!
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not on thine own understanding.”
Jet - Ray bought him about 4 years ago with hopes of turning him into a
heading horse. Don't know if he'll ever make a head horse, but he was
making a top-notch ranch horse. We've still got Barney--and a really nice
3-yr. old colt that needs the attention. Happy Trails, boys!

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